The SoCal Crew came out strong to represent RUINED EV at SPOCOM Anaheim. With a mix of Tesla model 3s and Ys
CJ Cardinalli (Best EV)
Americus Cuevas (2nd place EV)
Eugene Opalec (3rd place EV)
Ron Villarin
Ravi Vallabh
Marcus Conner
Khris Taylor
Sun Kim
Peter Tran
Chris Mangold
Chris Trujillo
Francis Andaya
Kevin Kwok
all came out to represent the team.
CJ Cardinalli @casper_model3 took the Best EV SPOCOM metal sword. CJs car showed up with a crazy new interior makeover. STATUS Seats, a custom rear seat delete and a fresh new cage from Bavarian Car Tuning.
Americus Cuevas @tokki_ster with his JDM VIP inspired Model 3, taking home 2nd place EV.
Eugene Opalec @elocano_sd showing up strong with his full build widebody 3 taking the 3rd place EV trophy.